Opal Vapour is a new contemporary dance work that explores cleansing for purification and a deep sense of belonging to a place of birth. Created across two countries – Australia and Indonesia – the performance draws on ritual elements of Javanese Wayang Kulit shadow puppetry.
Jade Dewi Tyas Tunggal investigates "nature and ritual with the body, voice and light while weaving deep connections to her Australian and Javanese ancestry. Her choreography fuses extensive international training and professional experience in ballet, contemporary dance, Japanese martial arts, Javanese, Balinese, Indigenous Australian and African dance to present a rich study of embodiment in performance.
"Invoking classical Javanese court-dance, instilled with the mystical influence of Indonesian trance-possession ritual, Tyas Tunggal's sinuous transformation is held by Ria Soemardjo's pure voice and evocative score resonant of Javanese gamelan. Born in Melbourne of Australian-Indonesian descent, Soemardjo draws on her innate respect for Javanese musical conventions, incorporating traditional Javanese tunings and timbres in her compositions using voice, viola and percussion.
"Performed in the moment, both artists are transported through time by Paula van Beek's sublime lighting landscapes and haunting shadow play. Van Beek commands the audience's attention by leading its gaze across luminous, transmorphic landscapes, leaving behind layered surface images like ghosts or echoes."
For more information, visit www.opalvapour.com.au.