This Melbourne International Comedy Festival comedy duo Innes Lloyd wants you to believe...
"To believe in things that you cannot".
A story of a young man who travels to Transylvania to meet the infamous Count Dracula. A tale that has been adapted, transformed, parodied, sequelled, theatre restaurant-ed and, frankly, done-to-death.
For the most part, cinema & film versions of Dracula have always presented female characters in a rather unflattering light, meaning they are there merely to be lusted after or eaten. However in the original text the protagonist is Mina and she is no fragile, delicate English Rose...oh no...she is a brave, calculating and fiercely intelligent woman in the oppressive Victorian era.
So in a move to correct this historical misrepresentation Innes Lloyd have invited local actor Jennifer Speirs (The Heart Awakens & the Nerd-Out podcast) to take on the leading role of Doctor Mina Harker!
This adaptation of a literary classic will attempt to incorporate every single version of Bram Stoker's harrowing adventure into one utterly delightful theatrical experience.
The Innes Lloyd: DRACULA season at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival runs Monday March 25th to Sunday March 31st. Starting 8:30pm every night at The Butterfly Club (5 Carson Place. Off Little Collins Street)