"The Concerts at Tudor City Greens," the free outdoor concert series featuring some of the biggest and brightest names in Broadway and cabaret, continues on Wednesday June 22 at 6:30pm. (Rain date: Thursday May 26 at 6:30pm.) Hosted and produced by the Broadway actress and cabaret performer Raissa Katona Bennett, the free series, now in its fourth season, brings jazz and cabaret to a diverse audience with limited exposure to live music.
The guest stars on June 22 include Australia's Variety Performer of the year Darren Williams; Broadway actor James Moye ("Million Dollar Quartet"); cabaret sensations Will and Anthony Nunziata; MAC and Bistro Award winner Marieann Meringolo; Barbara Porteus and Barry Levitt; Bistro Award winner Janice Hall, and Adam Shapiro ("Jewsical").Also featured are the new series regulars - the MAC Award-winning guitarist and Windham Hill recording artist Sean Harkness, and the MAC & Bistro Award-winning big band innovator Terese Geneco. Serving as music directors are Kenneth Gartman, Doyle Newmyer and Bill Zeffiro.Bennett (Broadway in "Phantom of the Opera" national tours of "Cats" and "Parade") says her mission is to increase the audiences for jazz, standards and Broadway music as well as to encourage greater cooperation between various private, non-profit and community organizations to support and protect New York green spaces. Tudor City Greens is one of a small number of privately maintained public spaces in New York. Bennett just won the 2011 MAC Award for hosting "The Concerts at Tudor City Greens."Videos