Switch-Hitter- Noun: an ambidextrous batter in baseball. Also a bisexual person.
Transgender comedian Chloe Black brings the follow up to her critically acclaimed show "Transistor Sister" to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Nominated for Best of Fest and Best Solo at the recent Fringe at the Edge of The World. Come along and see Switch Hitter!!
This exciting new show will make its world premiere at the Fringe at the Edge of The World at Boodle Beasley on Thursday, January 9th and Sunday, January 12th at 7:30 pm
Chloe has traveled the world doing comedy and after nearly 20 years in the biz has become a seasoned performer in her own right! Look at what the critics have to say.
Dates: Monday April 6th to Sunday April 19th (No Fridays)
Time: 7:30pm (8:45pm on Sunday)
Venue: Games Laboratory 328 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne 3000
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/BHOQC