Inspired by the ghost stories of Charles Dickens', The Haunting follows a young book dealer from London who journeys to the moors to visit a client.
The book dealer, David Filde (played by Gig Clarke) has been sent by his uncle for valuation of the deceased estate of Lord Grey's father. Upon arrival, David witnesses some goulish and unsettling events, the source of which he sets out to discover with help of sceptic, Lord Grey (played by Cameron Daddo).
With an incredible set and wonderful lighting design, you immediately feel the period of the piece when you enter the theatre. Gig Clarke is honest and endearing as the protagonist, but the direction of the piece wanted for more light and shade to really demonstrate the duplicitous shift when Filde's motivations are revealed. Daddo was charming and noble as Lord Grey but his emotional journey was inconsistent and would have benefited from more exploration.
The script and book is clever and the sound design is perfectly eerie and at times, definitively and appropriately unnerving.
Despite the need for stronger direction and character choices, it's a wonderfully designed production that will keep you guessing!
Playing the Athenaeum Theatre until 1 July 2017.