Who really rules the world of Late Night Talk shows?
A new comedy show exploring the late night talk show form, its over-populated number of male hosts and what happens when a woman becomes more than her sexual organs.
Hitting Melbourne's famous cabaret institution for Comedy Festival 2020 is a newly devised satire inspired by the male dominated world of late night talk shows.
Kayla Hamill (David Williamson's 'Credentials') teams up with Grace Sabbatucci (Batmania) & Aidan Niarros (Halifax: Retribution Channel 9) to create and perform in this satirical comedy that is sure to be a night of utter silliness, mayhem and hilarious social commentary.
"Typically when we think of a late night show host, we picture a cis-gendered male, doing impersonations of trump, a mix of charming and cheeky," says Hamill. "It's all a bit boring, with not a gay in sight!"
Business Tits is the show that will subvert that image, turning it on its head and highlighting what this popular entertainment form could be. It's a show that will celebrate diversity and bring a fresh new look to the late nights.
In March 2020, Hamill, Niarros and Sabbatucci will deliver a behind-the-scenes comedy spectacular filled with music, dance, coffee mugs and sketches. Mix that with Scottish Highland vibes and you've got a perfect combo to explore gender politics.
Business Tits is playing at The Butterfly Club in Melbourne from March 23rd-29th 2020 as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. For more information and to purchase tickets head to https://thebutterflyclub.com/show/business-tits