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300 # 23rd St
Austin, TX 78712

Review: A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN NOVEMBER... at UT Department Of Theatre And Dance

by Sabrina Wallace - October 17, 2024

UT's production of Kate Benson’s play 'A Beautiful Day In November On The Banks of the Greatest of Great Lakes' is a wild, chaotic celebration of the quintessential American Thanksgiving, but through a lens that’s anything but traditional. #ATXTheatre...

Past Shows

11/14 - 11/17/2024

Artistic Director, Gesel Mason Producing Artistic Director, EG Gionfriddo Award-winning student dance company, Dance Repertory Theatre, returns to the stage in a series of new ...

A Beautiful Day in November on the Banks of the Greatest of the Great Lakes

For those of you just tuning in, Thanksgiving is already in progress here at Wembly kitchen. The stands are nice and full; it’s quite a ...

Romeo y Juliet
Romeo y Juliet
4/11 - 4/21/2024

Adapted by KJ Sanchez and Karen Zacarías, written by Karen Zacarías from William Shakespeare’s  Romeo and Juliet Directed by Anna Skidis Vargas A bilingual adaptation ...

Romeo y Juliet (Preview)

Adapted by KJ Sanchez and Karen Zacarías, written by Karen Zacarías from William Shakespeare’s  Romeo and Juliet Directed by Anna Skidis Vargas A bilingual adaptation ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Choreomaniac 1518

By Malena Pennycook Directed by Caley Chase Dance yourself to death… It's 16th century France and everything is horrible! There's bubonic plague, major agricultural collapse ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Pretend it’s Pretend

By Emma Watkins Directed by Jenny Lavery   This is not a drill… Playground architects design spaces that are dangerous enough to allow for experimentation, ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): spayce boys

A Reading of spayce boys Written by Mateo Hernandez IGGY and OÑIO are two middle school boys who have a hard time fitting in with ...

UTNT festival
UTNT festival
2/29 - 3/3/2024

Producing Artistic Director Alexandra Bassiakou Shaw UTNT (UT New Theatre) presents newly developed works from playwrights of Texas Theatre and Dance and Michener Center for ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Taste Buds: The Adventures of Cake and Broccoli

A Reading of Taste Buds: The Adventures of Cake and Broccoli Written by Claire Derriennic When Cake and Broccoli are unexpectedly rejected on their one ...

The Smartest Girl in the World
The Smartest Girl in the World
11/30 - 12/3/2023

By Miriam Gonzales Directed by Roxanne Schroeder-Arce They’ve got a plan. Leo and Lizzy Martinez want to be the smartest kids in the world! The ...

Fall For Dance
Fall For Dance
11/9 - 11/17/2023

Dance Repertory Theatre returns in  Fall For Dance , offering a celebration of movement and innovative choreography. Featuring works by faculty, guest artists and undergraduate ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Harold

By Justine Gelfman Directed by Susanna Wolk Harold follows a college improv team that is disqualified from a national competition because of foul play. When ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): mirror, mirror

By Mia Gomez-Reyes Directed by Simon Salinas Girls will imitate; girls will learn. What are you teaching them? What have you learned? Stuck in the ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Address the Body!

By Zachariah Ezer Directed by Dominique Rider Half paranoid conspiracy thriller, half Kafkaesque ghost story,  Address the Body!  takes a bracing look into the banalest ...

UTNT (UT New Theatre): Very Blue Light

By Daphne Silbiger Directed by Kristen Osborn Marfa, TX, 2022--Magna was likely abducted by aliens, but her friends don't believe her. She seeks out the ...

Love & Information
Love & Information
4/13 - 4/24/2022

By Caryl ChurchillDirected by Mike Steele Someone sneezes. Someone cant get a signal. Someone wont answer the door. Someone put an elephant on the stairs. ...

3/6 - 3/14/2015

Under the direction of Charles O. Anderson, Andrea Beckham and Yacov Sharir, The University of Texas at Austin’s award-winning dance company Dance Repertory Theatre is ...

Dead Man’s Cell Phone
Dead Man’s Cell Phone
2/14 - 2/23/2014

When Jean answers the cell phone of a recently deceased café patron, she holds on to the device to keep the man alive in a ...

The Fault
The Fault
12/3 - 12/7/2013

Katie Bender is a playwright, performer and third-year master of fine arts candidate in playwriting at The University of Texas at Austin. Her plays are ...

Intimate Apparel
3/1 - 3/9/2013

It’s 1905 in Manhattan. Esther, a gifted seamstress, crafts lingerie for a variety of clientele, including Fifth Avenue socialites and Tenderloin district prostitutes. She dreams ...

The Transition of Doodle Pequeño

By Gabriel Jason Dean Directed by Steven Wilson Presented by the Department of Theatre and Dance It’s Halloween and Doodle is the new kid in ...


Texas Theatre and Dance (3/5 - 3/9) Tracker
UTNT (UT New Theatre) in Austin UTNT (UT New Theatre)
Texas Theatre and Dance (2/28 - 3/9) Tracker
Join Waterloo Records for their last Day Parties at 600 N Lamar, March 11 – 14 in Austin Join Waterloo Records for their last Day Parties at 600 N Lamar, March 11 – 14
Waterloo Records (3/11 - 3/14)
Sonic Guild Love Your Music Fest in Austin Sonic Guild Love Your Music Fest
GSD&M Backyard (3/12 - 3/12)
Mean Girls in Austin Mean Girls
TexARTS (4/5 - 4/12)
A Gentleman’s Guide To Love And Murder the Musical in Austin A Gentleman’s Guide To Love And Murder the Musical
Bastrop Opera House (4/25 - 5/11)
Lend Me A Tenor in Austin Lend Me A Tenor
Bastrop Opera House (3/28 - 4/6)
Fiddler on the Roof in Austin Fiddler on the Roof
Bastrop Opera House (9/12 - 9/28)
Rain: A Tribute To the Beatles in Austin Rain: A Tribute To the Beatles
The Plaza Theatre Performing Arts Center (5/1 - 5/1)

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