Color Arc Productions, in collaboration with The VORTEX, presents the world premiere of award-winning playwright Lisa B. Thompson’s new satirical comedy about black, unmarried, middle-class mothers parenting in the age of anxiety: The Mamalogues. Directed by Rudy Ramirez and starring Yvonne Oaks, Valoneecia Tolbert, and MelodyAnn Fullylove.
From the award-winning writer of Single Black Female, Underground, and Monroe, comes a new play about the exhilaration and exhaustion that comes from being a black single mother in America. Lauren, Beverley and Tasha have great careers they love and amazing children they adore, but they don't "have it all." During a single mothers retreat, they share their angst about racial profiling on the playground, their child being the only one at school, and the politics of soccer in the hood. This satirical comedy reveals the lives of black mothers as they lean in, stress out, and guide their precocious black children from diapers to college in a dangerous world.
Come From Away (Non-Equity)
Bass Concert Hall (1/4 - 1/5) | ||
Texas State University (4/1 - 4/6) | ||
It's a Wonderful Life
Penfold Theatre Company (12/13 - 12/28) | ||
A Gentleman’s Guide To Love And Murder the Musical
Bastrop Opera House (4/25 - 5/11) | ||
Fiddler on the Roof
Bastrop Opera House (9/12 - 9/28) | ||
A Christmas Carol
ZACH Theatre (11/20 - 12/29) | ||
The River Bride
Texas State University (2/27 - 3/7) | ||
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