The Filigree Theatre opens its sixth season with Tennessee Williams' Suddenly Last Summer, directed by Elizabeth V. Newman. Set in 1930s New Orleans, the drama centers on Catharine Holly, who is pressured to silence her harrowing account of events involving her cousin Sebastian. As powerful forces, particularly Sebastian's mother Violet Venable, work to suppress the truth, the play explores themes of narrative control and the masks that characters wear in society. The cast includes Shannon Grounds as Mrs. Holly, Maddie Scanlan as Catharine Holly, and Linda Nenno as Mrs. Venable.
The Filigree Theatre’s Fall Production of “Suddenly Last Summer” (10/4/24-10/20/24)
The Filigree Theatre’s Fall Production of “Suddenly Last Summer” (10/4/24-10/20/24)
The Filigree Theatre’s 5th Anniversary Gold & Silver Gala (6/22/24-6/22/24)
The Filigree Theatre Presents “Photograph 51” (1/25/24-2/4/24)
The Filigree Theatre presents “Antigone” (10/12/23-10/22/23)
ANTIGONE (10/12/23-10/22/23)
FIRE IN DREAMLAND (2/2/23-2/12/23)
The Lady From The Sea (10/7/22-10/23/22)
Lifted (4/7/22-4/17/22)
The world premiere of LIFTED by Charlie Thurston (4/7/22-4/17/22)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Austin Playhouse (11/22 - 12/29) | ||
Hamilton (Angelica Company)
Bass Concert Hall (3/25 - 4/6) | ||
She Was Here
Austin Playhouse (West Campus) (1/17 - 2/9) | ||
Bass Concert Hall (1/14 - 1/19) | ||
Lend Me A Tenor
Bastrop Opera House (3/28 - 4/6) | ||
Guys & Dolls
Texas State University (4/14 - 4/19) | ||
WHAT?!? A Magic Mystery Experience with Brad Henderson
Penfold Theatre Company (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
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