This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.Masks must be worn inside the theatre at all times for live performances. There will be an intermission during this show. The bar will be open. We ask that you do not come within 6 feet of anyone outside of your ticket group. There is a maximum of 32 tickets available for each in person performance.CAST ONE (December 4-6)Michael Howard - Actor 1: Freddie Filmore- Announcer, Potter, Joseph, Old Man Collins, Bridge KeeperJim Bast - Actor 2: Gower, Billy, Peter Bailey, Nick, Ernie, Ed, SheriffJason Kruger - Actor 3: Jake Laurentis - George Bailey (and Young George)Rob Novak - Actor 4: Harry (and Young Harry), Sam Wainwright, Bert, Dr. Campbell, Charlie, Tommy, PeteFrank Follis - Actor 5: Clarence Oddbody, Martini, Mr. Welch, HoraceAshley Brandon - Actor 6: Sally Applewhite- Mary Hatch (and Young Mary)Elisabeth Steigelman - Actor 7: Violet (and Young Violet), Zuzu, Commercial AnnouncerWhitney Marlett - Actor 8: Rose Bailey, Mrs. Hatch, Matilda, SchultzAmy Thomas - Actor 9: Ruth, Mrs. Thompson, Janie, Sadie Vance, Woman in CommercialCAST TWO (Dec 11-13)Danny Mosier - Actor 1: Freddie Filmore- Announcer, Potter, Joseph, Old Man Collins, Bridge KeeperGreg Dew - Actor 2: Gower, Billy, Peter Bailey, Nick, Ernie, Ed, SheriffDylan Droz - Actor 3: Jake Laurentis- George Bailey (and Young George)Alec Warn - Actor 4: Harry (and Young Harry), Sam Wainwright, Bert, Charlie, Pete, TommyMark Webster - Actor 5: Clarence Oddbody, Martini, Dr. Campbell, Mr. Welch, HoraceSydney Simpson - Actor 6: Sally Applewhite- Mary Hatch (and Young Mary)Kristy Ragland - Actor 7: Violet (and Young Violet), Zuzu, Commercial Jingle AnnouncerKaren Rudy - Actor 8: Rose Bailey, Mrs. Hatch, Matilda, SchultzSharla Tilley - Actor 9: Ruth, Mrs. Thompson, Janie, Sadie Vance, Woman in Commercial
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