"The Secret Garden" Adapted by Pamela Sterling and "The Yellow Boat" by David Saar opens tonight, May 10th at Sam Bass Community Theatre. "The Secret Garden" is directed by Laura Vohs. "The Yellow Boat" is directed by Ashley Zeh.
"The Secret Garden" tells the story of young Mary Lennox who is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire. Mary, a resourceful and inquisitive girl, soon makes two exciting discoveries: she finds an overgrown secret garden, and her cousin, Colin. Mary and another new friend, Dickon, bring the garden back to life and decide Colin must see it... a decision that will change several lives.
"The Yellow Boat" is a glorious affirmation of a child's life and the strength and courage of all children. Benjamin is a uniquely gifted visual artist, whose buoyant imagination transforms his physical and emotional pain into a blaze of colors and shapes in his fanciful drawings and paintings. Benjamin's remarkable voyage continues to touch audiences around the world.
Presented by Sam Bass Community Theatre
Dates: Tonight, May 10 - June 1, 2013
Times: Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays 8:00 pm, Sundays 2:00 pm
Sam Bass Community Theatre, 600 N. Lee St., Round Rock (in Memorial Park)
$18; $15 seniors, students, educators, military; $13 all Thursday performances, $10 Children
Reservations: www.sambasstheatre.org