Rude Mechs is thrilled to deliver our newest new work, High Crimes.
It's fair to assume that in any group of 100 citizens a third of them are time travelers. But why won't they step forward and make themselves known? In our current national anxiety we began to wonder: are we collectively wiser than our individual actions? And if we could get our play to speak in the audience's voice rather than our own, would we learn more quickly about our current national anxiety? Could we diagnose and alleviate the causes of our next civil war?
The Rudes have been hired to sort the facts and make another presentation. We're counting up our lives and not all of us want to go forward.
If history can't be corrected who wants to live in it anymore?
Several messages are coming thru for you and each night's audience will answer tailored questions as the walls will fall away. How do you want to die? What are you willing to trade for that outcome? And can the future make any promises worth our present consideration? If the worst president in U.S. History isn't impeached by the time the show's over we'll teach you how to secede from history.
High Crimes is in deep development and hints to have more show than you can squirm into an hour of performance thought. We dare you.