The City Theatre opens its 11th season with David Mamet's electrifying show Glengarry Glen Ross. The show runs three more weeks at The City Theatre, October 20 - November 6. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
Lie. Cheat. Steal...all in a day's work. Everyone plays the angle in David Mamet's brilliantly written examination of the competitive and cut-throat world of sales. Delve into the seamier and more savage side of business as six salesmen go for the top prize in this Pulitzer Prize-winning play that remains one of the most electrifying and relevant dramas of modern theatre.
Performances run Thursday - Saturday 8:00 pm. Sunday 3:00 pm. at The City Theatre 3823 Airport Blvd. Austin 78722. General Seating $15. Front/2nd Row Reserved $20-25. Thursday all seats $10. Tickets at the door $20. Group and student discounts. Tickets at 512-524-2870 or Go to for more information.
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin
The cast of GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS at City Theatre Austin