Mary Moody Northen Theatre, the award-winning producing arm of the St. Edward's University professional theatre training program, continues its 41st anniversary season with the hilarious comedy Tartuffe by Molière, translated and adapted by Ranjit Bolt, running February 13 - 23, 2014.
Masquerading as a man of God, Tartuffe has wormed his way into the affections and household of the rich merchant Orgon with pantomime piety and counterfeit zeal. So comprehensively has Tartuffe hoodwinked Orgon that he looks set to succeed in driving away the son, marrying the daughter, seducing the wife and imprisoning his host. Molière's classic satire was denounced on its first performance as a sacrilegious outrage and banned from further public view. This contemporary adaptation proves that hypocrisy never takes a holiday.
Featuring guest artists Liz Beckham, Barbara Chisholm, Jamie Goodwin and David Stahl.
Tickets: $22 Adults Advance ($17 Students, Seniors, SEU Community)
$22 at the door
Available through the MMNT Box Office, 512.448.8484
Available online at
Box Office Hours are M-F 1-5 p.m.