Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's iconic film, and the classic spy novel, "The 39 Steps", adapted by Patrick Barlow, follows in February. This thrilling, hilarious noir adventure plunges you into the world of Richard Hannay, an ordinary man forced to go on the run after aiding a mysterious woman. From the shadowy streets of 1930s London to the wild moors of Scotland and beyond, "The 39 Steps" traces Richard's madcap quest to keep government secrets out of the wrong hands.
February 15 - March 4, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM, Sunday matinees at 2:15 PM. Admission is $20 for adults and $10 for students with a valid ID. Reservations can be made by calling (830) 798-8944, online at, or at the box office, beginning February 8 for the general public, February 5 for HCCT season subscribers. Hill Country Community Theatre, 4003 W FM 2147, Cottonwood Shores, TX 78657.
The Hill Country Community Theatre is a handicapped accessible theatre. Hill Country Community Theatre uses Vendini for ticketing, marketing, and box office management. Hill Country Community Theatre - 4003 W FM 2147, Cottonwood Shores, TX, 78657, (830) 693-2474, Vendini, Inc. - 660 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104, 1 (800) 901-7173.