The Hidden Room presents Der Bestrafte Brudermord, or Hamlet Prince of Denmark, a new English translation by Christine Schmidle. Directed by Beth Burns, the production is narrated by Judd Farris and Jason Newman, with puppets created by Mystery Bird Puppet Theatre and styled by Jennifer Davis.
We are proud to announce der Bestrafte Brudermord, or Hamlet Prince of Denmark, a collaboration between the Hidden Room, Tiffany Stern of Oxford University, and the American Shakespeare Center. The mysterious origins of Brudermord are being put to the test as we perform this rarely seen 1710 adaptation of Hamlet as it may have been intended: a puppet show.
Using a new English translation by Christine Schmidle and puppets created by Mystery Bird Puppet Show, the Hidden Room attempts to imagine the staging conditions of a German puppet play from 1710, and act as a laboratory for Professor Stern's research. Live music, fireworks, and onstage narration will accompany this most unusual, and at times outrageously slapstick version of Hamlet, that includes added characters and scenes, yet still enjoys a brisk running time of just over an hour. Der Bestrafte Brudermord premiered October 26th at the American Shakespeare Center's prestigious Blackfriars Conference. We now invite Austin to stand by the Prince as this fratricide is avenged!Videos