NYC theatre company Aztec Economy teams with Austin theatre company Theatre Synesthesia to present Casey Wimpee's play BUTCHER HOLLER HERE WE COME in this Austin premiere production. Directed by Leah Bonvissuto, who directed the original NY production, the play is a seventy five minute sensory experience about five coal miners who are trapped in a cave in. Set in 1973, West Virginia, BUTCHER HOLLER HERE WE COME, is a startling look at the male psyche-in-crisis. As these five coal miners struggle to overcome a dwindling supply of oxygen and the lack of food and water, it becomes clear that the biggest obstacles they face are their own competing natures. Director Bonvissuto has done a masterful job here of creating an immersive event.
While the piece isn't traditional in structure, that is one of the strongest features of the piece. As an audience, we are plunged into total darkness along with the performers. Much of the piece is performed in this darkness with extended moments of light provided only by the headlamps of the characters. Director Bonvissuto has not only directed the performers, she has also directed the small lights and the sounds. The sound happens all around you, sometimes in front, sometimes directly behind you and other times off to the distance. The end result places the audience in the mine with the characters in a way that a traditionally scripted play never could. This is a once in a lifetime sensory experience that both thrills and chills as secret desires, carnal urges, and hidden memories come boiling to the surface. As the play processes an air of hallucination begins to take hold that is stunning in the effect it has on us as an audience. Total darkness has an unsettling effect, a fact Wimpee uses brilliantly.Videos