Set against the backdrop of pre-World War II Germany, the production captures the spirit of the time, complete with the decadence and defiance that characterized the era.
In the world of theater, few productions are as iconic and enduring as "Cabaret." Nominated for numerous prestigious honors, including the New York Drama Critics Circle award, and winner of twelve Tony Awards, the legendary show is dancing its way to the Springer Opera House theatre on October 19 at 7:30 p.m.
"Cabaret" is a captivating time capsule that transports audiences to the roaring 1920s, a period marked by vitality, rebellion, and the flourishing of jazz and cabaret culture. As the curtains rise, audiences are transported back to a carefree Jazz Age to become acquainted with the characters and nightlife of the Kit Kat Klub as American writer Clifford Bradshaw begins a love affair with English cabaret performer Sally Bowles. Set against the backdrop of pre-World War II Germany, the production captures the spirit of the time, complete with the decadence and defiance that characterized the era.
"This time period is the perfect backdrop for the unfolding drama in Cabaret," said Keith McCoy, Springer Opera House artistic director who also directed and choreographed the production. "The era's music and atmosphere infuse every scene, making the play a compelling narrative and a musical journey that immerses the audience in the rhythms and passions of the time, many parallel to current aspects of today's society.”
One of the most significant aspects of "Cabaret" is its portrayal of LGBTQ characters and themes, which was groundbreaking during its initial premiere in the 1960s. The character of Sally Bowles, an English singer who identifies as bisexual, and the subversive Kit Kat Klub offer a rare and unapologetic glimpse into LGBTQ life and culture at the time.
"Cabaret" has been an essential touchstone for the LGBTQ community, providing visibility and representation on stage. It remains a symbol of resilience and the celebration of individuality, reminding audiences of the challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals during the time period of the play and the progress made since then.
“What was groundbreaking in the original ‘60s production is a reminder today to keep advancing the diversity of love and life,” McCoy added. “Cabaret reminds us that these stories are worth celebrating. We hope to share that energy with the audience by offering a free opportunity to hear a preview of songs from the show and meet cast members."
To kick off the opening weekend, the cast of "Cabaret" will provide entertainment for "Springer Unplugged," a free live lunch event. This unique occasion will give a glimpse behind the curtain as members of the cast perform songs from the show in the Springer's Saloon, an intimate and stripped-down setting. Audience members will have the opportunity to engage with the cast as they sing, interact, and share anecdotes about their experiences bringing "Cabaret" from the script pages to the stage.
"The 'Springer Unplugged' event is an opportunity for theatergoers to connect with the characters and the emotions of the play in a more personal and immediate way," said McCoy. "It's a perfect opportunity to witness the unscripted, natural talent of the cast and gain insight into the creative process that brings a production to life."
"Springer Unplugged" is free, with a catered lunch available for a $10 purchase price. During the production run, VIP tables are also available, giving audience members an immersive, unobstructed view of the onstage Kit Kat Club action as they become patrons of the legendary club. Each table seats two and includes a bottle of wine.
With the addition of the live lunch event and the experience of the VIP tables, the Springer Opera's production of "Cabaret" is not just a theatrical event; it's an entertainment experience.
"Cabaret" opens at 7:30 p.m. on October 19 at the Springer. It's recommended for ages 17 and older due to adult themes, alcohol, strong language, and smoking. Tickets are available via the website at, by phone at (706) 327-3688, or by visiting the box office in person at 103 10th Street in Columbus.