This Buffet will be 60-90 minutes in length and is informal in nature.
Join Essential Theatre Education Associates Emily McClain and Elisabeth Cooper for a curated look at 4 or 5 plays of interest to high school audiences and student performers, with snippets read aloud by event participant volunteers and discussed during each session.
This Buffet will be 60-90 minutes in length and is informal in nature.
September's Play Buffet will focus on adaptations from literature (including Children's Literature and pieces from the HS Language Arts curriculum!). Our round-table discussion topic will be how to use adaptations in your classroom, ways that adaptations can aid in audience-building and cross-curricular connections within your school community, and COVID-alternatives to traditional vertical teaming like traveling shows to the elementary schools or having field trips to your performances.
Event participants will be provided with information regarding publisher/related works/playwrights during each session.