Sketchworks Comedy, Atlanta's award-winning live sketch comedy company, is back with an all new live stage show this December - "The Holiday Special Part 2: A Very George Lucas Sketchmas."
For the 2019 Holiday show, Sketchworks Comedy brought back John Philip Buisman, who directed the 2018 holiday sketch show. Conscious of the fact the final installment of the recent "Star Wars" trilogy is being released this December, Buisman realized it would be a great hook for this year's sketch show.
"I'm a fan of the "Star Wars" franchise," director John Buisman said, "And with "Rise of Skywalker" coming out this holiday season, I thought it would make for a great theme for the Sketchworks holiday show." Some of the sketches performed include "May the X-mas Force Be With You," "Ren Hearts Rey" and "Death Star Secret Santa."
The show stars the following sketch comedy actors: Michael Donelan, Sasha Friedman, Melissa Henry, Matthew Metzger, Christopher Parrott, Sandi Scheier, Jenny Stearns, Michael Stille, Brian Troxell, and Tom von Dohlen. The show contains adult language and situation and is recommended for audience members 18 and older.
"The Holiday Special Part 2: A Very George Lucas Sketchmas" runs December 6, 7, 13, & 14, starting at 8PM, at The Village Theatre (349 Decatur St. Suite L, Atlanta, Ga 30312). Tickets are $15 online ( and $18 at the door.