R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: THE HISTORY (AND MYSTERY) OF THE UNIVERSE runs tonight, October 1, through October 25, 2015 at The Balzer Theater at Herren's (downtown Atlanta), starring Tom Key as R. Buckminster Fuller. Written by D.W. Jacobs with direction by David de Vries, the play is based on the life, work, and writings of R. Buckminster Fuller. BroadwayWorld has a first look at Key onstage below!
Hop onboard a captivating quest chronicling the Leonardo da Vinci of the twentieth century in this unconventional one-man show blending multimedia, poetry and humanist humor. Can humankind sustain itself on Earth, and if so, how? Do we have the courage to reinvent ourselves? So ponders R. Buckminster Fuller - engineer, environmentalist, futurist, philosopher and inventor of the geodesic dome. A visionary who foretold many of today's challenges, Bucky teaches us to save the planet by doing more with less. Meet the mesmerizing man behind the world-saving mission.
Tickets: $25-$50. Call 678.528.1500 or visit www.theatricaloutfit.org/shows/r-buckminster-fuller-the-history-and-mystery-of-the-universe.
Photo Credit: BreeAnne Clowdus
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit
Tom Key as R. Bukminster Fuller at Theatrical Outfit