In keeping with their Christmas tradition, NTC is offering Tea with Santa in conjunction with their double-feature Christmas show, "Madeline's Christmas" and "A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail."
Before each Saturday performance (December 8 and 15), starting at 9:15 am, the Big Man with the white beard will join Madeline, Winnie-the-Pooh and some of their best friends for a special Christmas tea with songs, games, holiday goodies, and pictures with Santa, Madeline, Pooh, and other characters. Tea with Santa is $15.00, and for $25.00 you can enjoy the tea AND see the 11:00 am show. For reservations, visit or call the NTC box office (770-683-6262) or go to Karli Johnson (elf), Dave Dorrell (Santa) and Perry and Lisa Brysen at Newnan Theatre Company’s 2011 Christmas tea.