Newnan Theatre Company has just announced auditions for "Seussical the Musical," a family-friendly show based on books by Dr. Seuss. This production replaces the previously announced "Fiddler on the Roof," which NTC is unable to present at this time, but hopes to do so sometime in the near future.
Auditions will take place June 10 & 11 from 7 to 9 pm at Newnan Theater Company, 24 First Avenue, Newnan, GA 30263.
Roles available for actors age 9 to 90. Auditions will consist of cold reading from the script and a short dance combination to be taught at the audition. If you have dance experience, all the better! Come prepared with 16 measures of a song (not from Seussical) that showcases your range and ability. A pianist will be provided - bring your music - no CDs or a capella, please.
All roles are available:
General Gengus Khan Schmitz
Gertrude McFuzz
Horton the Elephant
Mayzie La Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Mayor
Sour Kangaroo
The Bird Girls
The Wickersham Brothers
The Cat in the Hat
Ensemble role include Jungle Creatures, The Whos, Cadets, Hunches, Circus Animals, etc.
If you have additional questions please email the director at and visit