SCANDAL: League of Supervillains WFH is about taking over the world... one Zoom meeting at a time. Even the evil plans of masked villains in lairs of doom require some project management! These supervillains face office politics, technology problems, and all the other frustrations of virtual work- with a dash of villainy thrown in the mix. Join us June 5 at 8 pm on our Twitch channel for the live premiere. This show is performed live, by our cast of improvisers each broadcasting from their own home. The super scandalous story continues week to week Fridays at 8 pm! Watch for free on our Twitch Channel:
Kevin Gillese as Metal Face Doom
Travis Sharp as Man Giant
Megan Leahy as Linda from HR
Maged Roushdi as Dr. Baby
Lucky Yates as The Landlord (a puppet)
Jamila Porter as Big Pharma
Whittney Millsap as Dr. Wynoner Sessions
Christian Danley as Lawyersaurus Rex
David Keeton as Musical improviser
Matt Horgan as Narrator
SCANDAL: League of Supervillains WFH
Streaming Live Friday, June 5 @ 8 p.m. -