The show boasts a stellar line-up of ATL artists ready to share their amazing true-life tales.
From the depths of the ATL, Horizon Theatre is spotlighting the stories bubbling up from artists from the Beltline to the West End to Buford Highway. Southbound: True Life Tales from the ATL and Beyond is the newest original show from Horizon. The inaugural serial show, premiering online Monday, April 5 at 8:00 p.m., boasts a stellar line-up of ATL artists ready to share their amazing true-life tales.
The series will initially take place on Zoom. Once the theatre reopens, Horizon plans to present live performances of Southbound at least once per month on Monday nights. Each tale will be told from the heart by writers, musicians, actors, journalists, leaders, celebrities - and just plain folks with great ATL stories to tell.
The energetic hosts leading Southbound are actor/writers Megan Hayes (Horizon's Sex with Strangers and Waffle Palace Christmas) and Brittani Minnieweather (Sweet Water Taste and The Ghosts of Little Five Points). This is our first show - so "beginnings" is our very loose theme for the evening.
The slate of featured guests for the April 5 premiere includes writer/actor O'Neil Delapenha (The Ghosts of Little Five Points), Mary Lynn Owen (writer/actor of Alliance Theatre's KNEAD), Maggie Sally and Chase Peacock (lead performers in Horizon's Once and singer-song writers), Sherri D. Sutton (Atlanta area director, writer, and comedian), and Shay Youngblood (writer of Horizon's Shaking the Mess Out of Misery). Their stories and songs are personal tales that will take audience members on a journey from a religious cult in North Georgia to a family vacation gone awry to a life-changing lunch with Sidney Poitier.
Southbound premieres Monday, April 5 at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. After this, our next shows will be Monday, May 10 with a Mother's Day theme and Monday, June 14 with a Juneteenth theme. Tickets are free, and donations are welcome. For more information and to register to attend, please visit: