While Elm Street Cultural Arts Village is unable to hold shows, concerts, and classes due to COVID-19 concerns, the Downtown Woodstock-based arts center has launched a complete lineup of free arts programming for all ages that can be enjoyed, experienced, and engaged in from the comfort and safety of home - aptly named "Elm Stream."
"Connection transcends distance and community is hardly confined to a place," says Elm Street's Executive Director Christopher Brazelton. "Even though we can't create together in person, we need a platform like Elm Stream to make art still happen and to keep building community." Each Monday Elm Street will release a weekly schedule of storytimes, interviews, how-to's, and more that can be streamed on their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts and be interacted with. These activities and videos will feature community members, actors from productions past and present, as well as musicians from around the world that will be part of their outdoor concert series the Lantern Series. To make the arts as accessible as possible to audiences during this time, Elm Street is offering their services of Elm Stream for free. "If you enjoy the content we are creating and find it useful in your world, please consider a donation to Elm Street. Any amount is helpful in sustaining our organization as we navigate this evolving situation," their website reads.
Audiences are able to view the current schedule of digital programming using the following website link: https://elmstreetarts.org/elm-stream-the-arts-come-to-you/. Elm Street will continue to provide updates on how the outbreak impacts the rest of their programming and the most up-to-date information will be available on their social media as well as their website.