Georgia Ensemble Theatre (GET) Producing Artistic Director Anita Farley has released the following update on operations due to the corona virus.
"The safety and well-being are at the forefront of the decisions we are making and so it is with a heavy heart that, in conference with our Board and staff, I am announcing the postponement of our April shows: Bright Star, Schoolhouse Rock Live and Joe Gransden's April 13th Big Band concert.
You will be hearing more from Georgia Ensemble Theatre about this as details develop, but rest assured that if you already have tickets, they will be honored at future performances. You may also choose to donate your tickets back to GET.
In the meantime, your continued support ensures that GET can continue to create powerful, engaging theatre long after this period of uncertainty. Unfortunately, the show cannot go on at this time, but the lives and livelihoods of those who make the art you love must. As you may imagine, this decision and the CoVid-19 outbreak is putting us in a precarious financial situation.
We will reach out to you with additional information and will also update our website as new information is available. Thank you for being part of our family and stay healthy."