The Fox Theatre Institute (FTI), a dynamic Atlanta-based outreach program created by The Fox Theatre, will showcase three theatre restoration projects during its fourth annual THEATRE REVIVAL TOUR. The three-day tour, taking place May 12-14, aims to boost awareness for each historic venue while celebrating local community efforts to preserve of these local landmarks.
The tour will feature two FTI grant recipients for 2016: The Miller Theater in Augusta, and the Madison Morgan Cultural Center in Madison, as well as highlight the City of Vidalia's efforts to restore The Pal Theatre. FTI awards grants which allow for substantial restoration, preservation and future planning for Georgia's historic theatres - all of which foster sustainable growth for the communities they serve.
At each destination on the THEATRE REVIVAL TOUR, FTI will host free concert, featuring the homegrown five-piece musical group, the Packway Handle Band, which has its roots in Athens, GA. Gearing up to hit the studio and record a new album, the Packway Handle Band recently participated in its second consecutive voyage aboard Kid Rock's annual Chillin' the Most Cruise which led to the band joining the 2015 Cheap Date Tour with Kid Rock and Foreigner.
The FTI THEATRE REVIVAL TOUR will feature the following theatres:
The Miller Theater (May 12, 6:00 PM) - The future home of Symphony Orchestra Augusta, the Miller Theater, with a swell of community support, is nearing its goal of a $20 million renovation. From concert hall to a cultural community center, the theatre will expand their capabilities to include concerts of all genres, opera, ballet, theater, dance, comedy, lectures and film.
Madison-Morgan Cultural Center (May 13, 6:00 PM) - Uniquely located in rural Georgia, the Madison-Morgan Cultural Center offers professional theatre, dance and music performances, as well as traveling visual art exhibits. With the assistance of FTI, the renovation includes energy efficient restoration of the 100+ historic windows.
The Pal Theatre (May 14, 6:00 PM) - This multi-phase project, scheduled to begin late summer 2016, will include the overall restoration of both the exterior and interior theater, including lobby, restrooms and adjacent spaces. Spearheaded by the Vidalia Convention & Visitors Bureau, the renovation will provide downtown Vidalia with a historic movie theatre and live entertainment options feeding into the local restaurant and retail economy.
"Over forty years ago, the people of Atlanta rallied to save the Fox Theatre from demolition. Today we are proud that the Fox Theatre Institute is providing the same support to theatres all across the state," says Adina Erwin, General Manager of the Fox Theatre. "Our goal is to help revitalize Georgia's communities, one theatre at a time."
For more information on the tour, visit