"The Wrath of Con" follows five nerds as they adventure through a weekend at the Sci-Fi convention Dragon*Con. Albert and Hank have been best friends for years, and after Hank's terrible break up, Albert brings him to Dragon*Con to take his mind off his ex. While there, Hank falls for Con newbie Shiela, who has come to the Con to find "her people." What she discovers is Diana, a long-time Con goer and admittedly friendless person. Diana helps Shiela find confidence in who she is, and they become friends. In the end Shiela and Hank find the love and friendship they had been searching for with each other.
This is the third time Dad's Garage has produced "The Wrath of Con." In 2012, the show was a surprise hit, selling out almost every performance. "The Wrath of Con" was so popular, Dad's Garage remounted it again in the same year to coincide with actual Dragon*Con. Dad's Garage is re-remounting the show starting July 5, 2019 so audiences can see the original show again before we debut its sequel, "Wrath of Con 2: Into Dorkness," which is a response to the growing popularity of nerd culture. When "The Wrath of Con" first premiered, it was a simpler time for nerds. Conventions were a chance to find friends and fans of the same geeky passions without judgement. With today's streaming services, Twitch, and the popularity of superhero movies, nerd culture has gone mainstream, and Cons are no longer the niche events they once were.
"The Wrath of Con" was created by Jon Carr, writer of 2018's hit "Black Nerd," which won Carr a Suzi Award for best new playwright. To create "The Wrath of Con," Carr worked with fellow Dad's Garage improvisers Ed Morgan, Linnea Frye, and Z Gillispie to create a show that reflected all of their unique experiences over many years as Dragon*Con attendees.
In September 2019, Dad's Garage will premiere "The Wrath of Con 2: Into Dorkness," also created by Jon Carr. This re-remount of "The Wrath of Con" will give audiences a chance to catch up on the original story before the sequel opens.