"Salutations!" This fall, the Center for Puppetry Arts invites families to experience an entertaining production of Charlotte's Web, based on E.B. White's classic novel. In this beloved tale, farm pig Wilbur finds a friend in Charlotte the spider, and Charlotte-with the help of some of the barnyard's most colorful residents, including Templeton the gluttonous rat-saves Wilbur from a cruel fate with her wit, words and webs. The show spins an enduring tale of the triumph of friendship and the power of language, adapted from the novel for the stage by Joseph Robinette and directed by Tim Sweeney. Charlotte's Web is produced at the Center by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing of Woodstock, Illinois.
The Center's production features Head Puppeteer Amy Sweeney and fellow puppeteers Dolph Amick, Nikolas Carleo, Anna Caudle and Brian Harrison. The show uses Czech Black and rod puppetry and is designed for ages 4 and up.
A sensory-friendly performance of the show will take place Sunday, October 1, continuing the Center's dedication to providing programming for patrons with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The Center's ASD programming includes sensory-friendly adjustments to the performance as well as the Worlds of Puppetry Museum and the Create-A-Puppet Workshop. For more details, visit puppet.org/asd.
Charlotte's Web will be presented in the Mainstage Theater, September 19 - October 22 with reduced-price previews on September 19 and 20.
Regular show times are:
Wednesday - Friday: 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Tickets are $9.75 (Members) and $19.50 (nonmembers) - plus sales tax and include admission to the show, the Worlds of Puppetry Museum (with the largest collection of Jim Henson puppets and artifacts in the world as well as a Global Gallery), and entrance to the Create-A-Puppet Workshop, where guests can make and decorate their own Gabby Goose Rod Puppet and perform with it on our classroom stage. Tickets can be purchased online at www.puppet.org or by calling 404.873.3391.