The show made its Off-Broadway debut in 2013, for three short months, with Atlanta being its second location. The cast and creative team even had the chance to work with the creators of the show in an attempt to give the show a second chance, regionally. With a catchy and demeaning title, one might expect the show to be quite hilarious. However, I think the mark was missed when revitalizing the show, not giving it that revamp that it might have needed since its New York debut.
With only a couple of memorable performances, the script is trying way too hard. Anyone who watches the Kardashians, or "Master Chef," knows that the ratings come from the producers finding new ways to capture the drama and get the audience's attention. NOBODY LOVES YOU failed to do this. Personally, I think a larger cast might have exponentially helped the story arches and allowed for more comedic moments.
Additionally, the cast itself is inauthentic to the work being presented, being over the top, trying to ensure laughs. On the contrary, reality TV is a guilty pleasure for most, fulfilling a thirst for drama and people who take themselves way too seriously. A good cast is the first ingredient to any show's success and this casting was too large of a hiccup to ignore.
The best performance of the show was Austin Tijerina as a side character who is obsessed with the reality TV show and tweeting to his 15 followers. Additionally, Jennifer Alice Acker's character Megan was a bit over the top but hilarious and spunky.
NOBODY LOVES YOU is currently running at Horizon Theatre Company in Atlanta's Little 5 Points area. The musical is running through the end of April with tickets available online.