On April 13th the world-renowned alternative-classical band Break of Reality brings their unique musicianship and genre-blending sound to Elm Street Cultural Arts Village's Lantern Series. The sixth installment in the inaugural concert series combines rock and chamber music for a listening experience that is like no other thus far in the lineup.
Named one of 2016's Music Ambassadors by the U.S. State Department, Break of Reality bridges the gap between classical, rock, and world music listeners for "a high energy performance that falls somewhere between a string quartet recital and an arena rock concert," (Break of Reality). The band features three members on cello and one on drums/percussion (Patrick Laird, Laura Metcalf, Adrian Daurov, and Ivan Trevino, respectively). Most known for their Game of Thrones theme cover garnering over 20 million YouTube views, they have also found online streaming success of their four albums in addition to performing internationally.
With over 16 years' experience as a group, Break of Reality is able to expand beyond the perception of traditional classical music. Percussionist Ivan Trevino breaks down what audience members can expect from their performance: "We play covers (like our Game of Thrones rendition), arrange Bach, compose original pieces, and improvise. It's a very eclectic mix of styles and sounds."
"This is one of the first artists that we booked for our inaugural Lantern Series because they perfectly match what we hope to accomplish with these concerts," says Christopher Brazelton, Executive Director of Elm Street. Brazelton adds that "Break of Reality really goes with their name - they break all the traditions of how we look at these classical instruments in such a unique and new way."
The outdoor concert is a one-night engagement on Saturday, April 13th at 7:30pm. Break of Reality is appropriate for all ages to attend. Families, friends, and co-workers alike will enjoy a musical experience that is very organic and innovative. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own food and drinks (no outside alcohol) and decorate their tables. Reformation beer and a variety of wines will be available for purchase.
Tickets are on sale now at www.elmstreetarts.org. Tables and seats are available at varying levels:
Saturday April 13th - 7:30pm
VIP Table (Seats 8, Closest to Stage) - $220.00
Premier Table (Seats 6, Closer to Stage) - $160.00
Reserved Table (Seats 6, Close to Stage) - $120.00
Reserved Gold Seat - $18.00
General Admission Lawn (Bring Your Own Chair/Blanket) - $14.50
Elm Street Event Green
111 Elm St. Woodstock, GA 30188
Call 678.494.4251 for More Information