The Alliance Theatre will host a variety of free activities for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Celebrate MLK Day with the young artists of the Alliance Theatre's Palefsky Collision Project as they explore the issues and ideas that challenge their generation to change the world.
Members of the 2015 Palefsky Collision Project, Troubling Our House: In Search of the Beautiful Stranger, have come back together to create a special performance for MLK Day. Inspired by the themes found in the classic play Inherit the Wind as well as current civil rights issues in our country, these young artists collaborated with playwright Pearl Cleage and director Patrick McColery to re-imagine their original script through the lens of Dr. King's message of hope and peace amid civil unrest. This original work will energize and inspire audiences with a message of hope, peace and the power of community. Join us for a unique Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration you will never forget!
Sunday, January 17 at 2:30 p.m. - Rich Auditorium at the Woodruff Arts Center as part of the Woodruff Family Fun Day
Monday, January 18 at 11:00 a.m. - A special performance at the National Center for Civil & Human Rights
Monday, January 18 at 2:30 p.m. - Rich Auditorium at the Woodruff Arts Center
RSVP for free tickets:
NOTE: Performances at the Woodruff Arts Center are free but require an RSVP. NCCHR performance requires admission to the museum.
Additional Events on MLK Day, 2016 - January 18, 2016:
ArtsVibe Teen MLK Day Poetry Slam
Theme: Social Change
Location: Rich Auditorium, 1st Floor of the Memorial Arts Building, Woodruff Arts Center
Time: 3:30pm - 6pm
Free and open to anyone who wants to participate or attend.
Info will be available at
ArtsVibe Teen Voices for Social Justice Exhibit
A photography and works on paper exhibition surrounding themes on social justice and civil & human rights.
Location: 1280 Gallery, 1st Floor of the Memorial Arts Building, Woodruff Arts Center
Exhibit open: January 8 - February 5
Submissions and information at: