Casting has been announced for The Tragic and Horrible Life of the Singing Nun, which will be presented by the New York Musical Theatre Festival, George DeMarco and David Gerard. Performances will begin on September 14 and will run through September 22 at St. Clements Theatre, 423 West 46th Street.
The show "tells the story of the ill-fated nun who sang the Grammy-winning 60's hit 'Dominique-Nique-Nique.' Told through the eyes of a Nun named Sister Coco Callmeishmael, …the singing nun gazes through a pop-culture prism, pulling every candy-colored piece of Catholic Camp – with a phenomenal score -- to recount Sister Smile's hilariously funny, but ultimately tragic story of sky-rocketing fame and meteoric decline. Though based on a true story, the show takes a few liberties with reality – but always in the name of fun," according to press notes.The cast of The Tragic and Horrible Life of the Singing Nun includes Eileen Stevens, Kristen Biehl (Godspell, Titanic), Randy Blair (Dangerous Beauty, Behind the Limelight), Kristine Zbornik (Mamma Mia!, Splendora), Stephen Michael Rondel (Sideways Stories From Wayside School, Once Upon a Mattress), Michael Hunsaker (Ragtime, Chess), Laura Daniel (Lucky Stiff, Little Shop of Horrors) and Tracey Gilbert (Paradise, Burning Habits).Videos