Wrong Way Up, a new rock musical that charts a rebel from teen-age to adulthood, begins a Wednesdays-only run at the intimate Belt Theatre Off-Off Broadway Oct. 20.
The Zipper and Joshua P. Weiss present the show by Robert Whaley and Tony Grimaldi, though Dec. 15.Andrew Grosso directs, Frank Spitznagel musical-directs and Thomas Mills choreographs the "coming-of-age musical comedy that charts the course of a maladjusted rebel stumbling through adolescence and the pitfalls of adulthood."Written by and featuring Whaley and Grimaldi, of the New York City band The Niagaras, Wrong Way Up "tells the story of a small town boy navigating his way through the rough and tumble world of the big city," according to the announcement. "This vibrantly funny and entertaining musical combines the unique energy of a live rock 'n' roll show with the feel of improvisational theatre, vaudeville, stand-up, and a little revival meeting thrown in for good measure..."Wrong Way Up was previously seen at New York Performance Works Theater. It has since been revised. There are six people in the show: four actors, a pianist and a drummer.Videos