Works By Women is hosting the Industry's first Parity Party on October 18th at 7:00pm at TheaterLab to raise awareness and funding toward our goal of reaching gender equality in the theatre by the year 2020.
There will be live performances from women companies and artists including: Flux Theatre Ensemble, Honest Accomplice Theatre, Exquisite Corpse Company, New Perspectives Theatre Company, FAB Woman, Sylvia Milo's THE OTHER MOZART, Jody Christopherson's BECAUSE YOU ARE GOOD, Autumn Kioti, comedian Lizzy Bryce, Laura Pedersen and musicians Brittany and Kendra Jo Brook, Unnur Eggertsdottir, and Jessica Carvo.
The party will also feature a silent auction including a deluxe king room at The Standard Highline Hotel, 5 days and 4 nights in Cancun, 5 Hour rehearsal space at TheaterLab, and even an aerial lesson with Autumn Kioti. The silent auction is live at
The goal is to raise awareness and to push for gender parity for the year 2020. With women buying nearly 70% of all theatre tickets it should be an achievable goal; yet so far it hasn't been realized. If we can raise enough awareness, and have enough support of artists, audiences and industry, we can achieve this.
Works By Women supports theatrical work written, directed, and/or designed by women by promoting their work on our website, in the press and on social media. The website serves as a tool for theatergoers and professionals alike. Our site features productions with creative teams (writers, directors, and designers) comprised of at least 50% women and highlights women's theatre companies and advocacy groups. We also host a database of playwrights, directors, and designers whose work we have seen as part of one or more of our Works by Women "Play" Dates. Our "Play" Dates are organized to attend theatre productions, thus supporting with our time and money women theatre artists and the productions that hire them.