The Living Word Project / Marc Bamuthi Joseph WORD BECOMES FLESHSaturday September 10, 2005 8:30 p.m.William & Joan Lehman Theatre Miami Dade College (North Campus) 11380 N.W. 27th Avenue Miami TICKETS $15, $10SECURE ONLINE ORDERING http://www.culture.mdc.eduINFORMATION 305.237.3010Free parking adjacent to theater.
WORD BECOMES FLESH Hailed as one of the most passionate and engaging among spoken word performers, Marc Bamuthi Joseph's remarkable talent is laid bare in Word Becomes Flesh. A fluid choreopoem presented as a series of performed letters to his unborn son, Word Becomes Flesh, documents nine months of pregnancy from a young single father's perspective. In the process, Bamuthi Joseph battles with the reality and mythology of the black male from the cotton field to the athletic field to the digital plantation and all spaces in between. "Word Becomes Flesh is an eloquent autobiographical one-man show. [Bamuthi Joseph's] remarkable vocal variety and gestural deftness made every scene come alive" - The New York Times