Wombat Theatre Company's production of Accidental Death of an Anarchist is a fast paced comedy about our country's divide, its classist system, and police brutality...
Based on a real event, Dario Fo's notorious play begins after a leftist subway worker 'accidentally' falls to their death from a police station window.
When an escaped mental patient is brought in to the precinct, their witty and wily shenanigans reveal the truth about the liberal's death, as well as our nation's scandals and underlying corruption. From terrorism to fear mongering, from excessive force to gun control, from Wall Street to the White House, nothing is safe and no one is spared by this dark and biting indictment of our political landscape.
St. John's Lutheran Church
81 Christopher St, New York, NY 10014
Weds, 3/21: 8pm
Thurs, 3/22: 8pm
Fri, 3/23: 8pm
Sat, 3/24: 8pm
Sat, 3/24: 3pm
With the talents of
Steve Hart, Director
Debra Nguyen, Assistant Director and Stage Manager
John Lavigne, Set Design
Meaghan Cross, Costume Design
Sarah Hysjulien, Assistant Costume Design
Gus Jacobson, Sound Design
Rachel Abraham, Dramaturg
Alejandro Bonilla, Assistant Stage Manager
The cast:
Michael LoSchiavo
Henry Nunez
Austin McCaslin-Doyle
Meaghan Cross
Kristen Tomanocy
Andrew Tejada
Tickets available at wombattheatre.com or Brown Paper Tickets
General Admission: $15
Seniors and Students: $10
Please note: tickets at the door will be $15 for students and $20 for general admission.
All proceeds to benefit Everytown for Gun Safety