Midsummer: A Shakespearience is playing at CASA 51 from October 13 to November 7.
One lucky winner will receive two tickets and a drink of their choice at Midsummer: A Shakespearience at CASA 51, located at 625 West 51st Street. The tickets will be good for any performance during the week of November 1 - November 7.
Get all the info on the show here. The show has a runtime of 2 hours and is recommended for 21+ audiences.
The contest closes on Wednesday, October 27 at 11:59pm ET. Winners will be notified the following day.
About The Show
This seductive adaptation sets A Midsummer Night's Dream at a hidden club in the heart of an
enchanted forest, where Shakespeare's storied lovers mix and mingle with the talent at
Titania's 'Round Midnight Revue. The show is a wild fusion of world-class tap dance, magic,
beatboxing, live music, aerials, and variety performance- acts fit for fairy royalty.
Get swept up in Bottom's Dream, lounge in Titania's Circle, or join the other Lovers & Madmen
earning their access past the velvet rope. Guests are invited to Indulge in artisanal cocktails,
interact with performers, and let loose on the dance floor as the magic unfolds around them.
Gather your party, enjoy a welcome cocktail, and explore the enchanted forest upon arrival.
Who knows what other travelers may cross your path! The main event takes place around two
central stages, with ample seating and standing room. You may be approached or addressed by
our colorful cast of characters- Participation is voluntary, but enthusiasm will be rewarded with
special attention.
Dress to impress! You are Titania's esteemed guests, and she expects more from you than jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. Here's some inspiration for your outfit!
Health & Safety
Proof of vaccination is required to enter the venue. Masks must be worn except when actively
enjoying a cocktail. The venue has great ventilation, and a powerful HVAC system. Seats are
comfortably spaced, and you are welcome to take advantage of our standing room sections if
you would like to distance further. All Midsummer performers and staff are fully vaccinated.
We reserve the right to eject any audience member from the premises due to inappropriate or
disruptive behavior, at any time. Recording of any kind (photography, video, or other) is
prohibited inside of the performance space. Audience members violating this rule will be
removed. No outside food or beverages are allowed inside the venue. Guests who wish to
smoke during the show must step outside.