After a critically acclaimed first season, Wide Eyed Productions kicks off their second season with Jean Racine's racy Greek tragedy, Phédre. Directed with the unique vision and excellent movement sensibilities of Aubrey Snowden, this production explores human weakness and the true meaning of integrity. This sexy, classically poised ensemble brings Snowden's tabloid twist to the classic text, first performed in 1677.
With story, movement and stirring multimedia, Phédre examines the public's obsession with celebrities and how the media has turned otherwise ordinary citizens into virtual royalty. When aging film actress, Phédre (Kym Smith), is abandoned by her famous husband and producer, Theseus (Colin McFadden), she develops an inappropriate attraction to her moody, mysterious stepson Hippolytus (Jake Paque). Her affections go unrequited due to the young man's unflinching devotion to a budding starlet named Aricia (Genevieve Gearheart). But Phédre, the falling queen of Hollywood, becomes obsessed with lust. The heights of her illicit passions and depths of her despair unhinge her mind and destroy her body so that a deadly illness consumes her. The dying queen's forbidden lust– the virtuous love of Hippolytus for the forbidden beauty Aricia– Theirs is a story surviving over 300 years of lovers and remains one of the great tragedies of theatre history. Phédre is an entrancing testimony to the power of a woman's lust; strong enough to bring down a kingdom.The Company is made up of Amy Lee Pearsall, Andrew Harriss, Anthony Reimer, Aubrey Snowden, Ben Newman, Brian Kaufman, Brianne Mai, Daniel Gardner, Jake Paque, Jerrod Bogard, Justin Ness, Kristin Skye Hoffmann, Kym Smith, Lauren Bahlman, Lea McKenna-Garcia, Liz White, Melissa Johnson, Michael C. Freeland, Nicolle Medina, Pawl Basile, Sage Seals, Sky Seals, Trevor Dallier, and Vanessa Gibens
Wide Eyed Productions was founded by Liz White, Kristin Skye Hoffmann, and Sky Seals, all graduates of University of Northern Colorado’s’ Performing Arts Program. After a successful run of The Medea with Hudson Shakespeare Company with a cast of all friends and pure talent Liz, Sky and Kristin decided to form a theatre company that stimulates the imagination and awakens the public’s passion for high standards in performing arts. The last year has been a bonding experience, creating family out of friends and a testament to our dedication to the craft. Although there is still a lot more work to do, Liz White, KHoff, and Mr. Sky are ready to make this company successful well beyond their years.Videos