The Lord of the Rings, the first major stage adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic trilogy, which received its British and European Premiere when it opened at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane in London earlier this summer, celebrates its 100th performance today, Monday, August 13, and its booking period has been extended to September 27, 2008.
The company of over 70 actors, singers and musicians is led by Malcolm Storry as 'Gandalf'. Recently, Ian McKellen, who played the role of 'Gandalf' in the Peter Jackson film trilogy, surprised Malcolm with a backstage visit to congratulate him on his performance, after seeing The Lord of the Rings that evening. Also in the cast are James Loye as 'Frodo Baggins', Laura Michelle Kelly as 'Galadriel', Michael Therriault 'Gollum', Peter Howe 'Sam', Jérôme Pradon 'Aragorn', Brian Protheroe 'Saruman', Richard Henders 'Merry', Owen Sharpe 'Pippin', Michael Rouse 'Legolas', Sévan Stephan 'Gimli', Steven Miller 'Boromir' and Rosalie Craig 'Arwen', with Andrew Jarvis as 'Elrond', Terence Frisch 'Bilbo', Tim Morgan 'The Steward of the Lands of Men' and Kirsty Malpass 'Rosie', along with Alexandra Bonnet, Greg Bradley, James Byng, Darren Carnall, Lee Clayden, Joseph Conner, Jennie Dale, Claire Doyle, Stephen Emery, Ben Evans, Josh Feldschuh, Alma Ferovic, Wayne Fitzsimmons, Chris Gage, David Grant, Paul Gurney, Shaun Henson, Michael Hobbs, Christopher D. Hunt, Luke Johnson, Corrie Mac, Stuart Neal, Scott Owen, Tim Parker, Richard Roe, Andrew Rothwell, Adam Salter, Robbie Scotcher, Nick Searle, Stevie Tate-Bauer, Jon Tsouras, Gavin Wilkinson, Glenn Wilkinson, Sam Wilmot and Kirk Zammit.Videos