Journey's End, R. C. Sheriff's acclaimed 1929 drama set during World War I, will make the move to Broadway after having been successfully produced on London's West End in 2004. The show is being slated for a Broadway run at a theatre to be announced in March of 2006.
David Haig, Phil Cornwell, Paul Bradley, Christian Coulson, Ben Meyjes,
Max Berendt, Alex Grimwood, John R. Mahoney, Rupert Wickham, Guy
Williams and Geoffrey Streatfield starred in the original London cast. However, a recent casting notice indicates that American actors are being sought for the play, which will be produced by Boyett Ostar Productions and helmed by original London director David Grindley.
"It finds enduring life in a play you think would be irretrievably buried in dust," The New York Times' Ben Brantley wrote of the play, which was first produced on Broadway in 1929 to run for 485 performances. Journey's End has not been revived on Broadway since 1939. The show, which Sheriff based on his own experiences during World War I, is set in a trench in St. Quentin, France. It involves Captain Stanhope's attempts to lead his British troops into No Man's Land, while Stanhope's old school chum Raleigh discovers that the captain is not the man he once idolized.
Journey's End was performed in London at the New Ambassadors Theatre.