The marathon will include 36 episodes from the classic series, culminating with the 1973 "My Strife in Court" episode, featuring Felix attempting to act as his own attorney in court (5:00 p.m.) and the 1972 "Password" episode where Oscar is invited to be a celebrity contestant and brings Felix as his partner (5:30 p.m.).
WLNY's THE ODD COUPLE marathon will also feature the 1973 "The Ides of April" episode where Felix inadvertently gets Oscar called in for an audit from the IRS (3:30 p.m.), 1973's "Let's Make a Deal" episode, where Felix and Oscar appear on a game show in an attempt to win Felix a new bed (4:00 p.m.) and the 1973 "Take My Furniture Please" episode where both Felix and Oscar take turns redecorating their apartment (4:30 p.m.).
Following is the full schedule for WLNY's THE ODD COUPLE marathon: