All Nighter stars Kathryn Gallagher, Julia Lester, Havana Rose Liu, and Alyah Chanelle Scott.
Ready to stay up all night at the Newman Mills Theater? The World Premiere of Natalie Margolin's All Nighter, directed by Jaki Bradley is getting ready for its opening night off-Broadway. What's it all about?
It’s finals week at a small liberal arts college in rural Pennsylvania. A tight-knit group of roommates pull one last all-nighter to complete their final assignments. Holed up in an old ballroom, the pressure mounts and the Adderall flows as the truths that bind this group together are put to the test. What will be left when the sun rises?
"It's really investigating this group of friends- this unit- as they are about the enter the real world and leave this privileged bubble of a small liberal arts school," explained Margolin. "These actresses and Jaki have brought such care and thought into the room. I feel very protective of these characters and all of the girls are equally protective, and that is all I could have asked for."
"Natalie Margolin is an absolute genius," added Julia Lester, who plays Wilma. "She has written the epitome of what I think is a perfect play. So to be in it every night and to experience it is like a dream come true."
Watch in this video as the whole cast and creative team take a break from rehearsals to tell us all about the new play!