Rachel Reiner Productions will present the World Premiere of Victor L. Cahn's Villainous Company, directed by Eric Parness. The show will begin performances on January 9, and open on Monday, January 12 running through January 31, 2015 at Theatre Row's Clurman Theatre (410 West 42 Street). Tickets are $19.25 (including a $1.25 theatre restoration charge) and can be purchased at www.Telecharge.com or by calling (212) 239-6200.
Claire returns from an afternoon of shopping and discovers that one of her packages is missing. In an effort to retrieve it, she calls the store and a series of events unravels that draw the three women of Victor L. Cahn's Villainous Company, into a scintillating and suspenseful game of cat and mouse with unexpected results.
Cast includes: Alice Bahlke (Resonance Ensemble's H4), Julia Campanelli (Sleep No More, "One Life to Live") and Corey Tazmania (Resonance Ensemble's R.U.R., Housewives of Mannheim). Creative team: Jennifer Varbalow (Set Designer), Brooke Cohen (Costume Designer), Pamela Kupper (Lighting Designer), Nick Simone (Sound Designer). Casting Consultant is Stephanie Klapper and Sean McCain is the Stage Manager.