The Show Released a New Trailer on Thanksgiving
Bad Cinderella, the new Andrew Lloyd Webber musical headed to Broadway this Spring released a new trailer for the show on Thanksgiving. The show, starring Linedy Genao in the title role, will begin performances on Friday, February 17, 2023, at the Imperial Theatre (249 W 45th Street), with opening night taking place on Thursday, March 23, 2023.
In addition to music by Lloyd Webber, Bad Cinderella features a book by Academy Award winner Emerald Fennell and lyrics by Tony and Olivier Award winner David Zippel. JoAnn M. Hunter choreographs with direction by Laurence Connor.
This modern retelling of the classic fairytale is set in the exceptionally beautiful kingdom of Belleville. Our Cinderella is no longer the damsel in distress who needs saving. She finds herself and her prince in new circumstances, which causes them to rethink what "happily ever after" really means.