Recently, Reese Witherspoon stepped back into her Elle Woods persona to lift the spirits of a young fan. In the video, the Academy Award-winning actress recorded a special message for a four-year-old boy who was fighting cancer, and relied on LEGALLY BLONDE to lift his spirits. Check out the message from Reese's YouTube page below.
"A week or so ago, Reese was forwarded an email from a mom named Julie, whose son Will is a 4-year-old boy putting up a very tough fight against cancer in the Midwest.
The email read 'Legally Blonde' is on the hospital TV and Will has been watching it, like four times a day. When he feels good enough to want something, he wants Legos and 'The Pink Girl'. He finds comfort in it and loves the Pink Lady. So, if anyone knows Reese Witherspoon, and she would be willing to take a picture of herself holding a note that says 'TeamWill', or any other shout out that she can dream up, she would give a little four year old boy fighting cancer (and even more so his mom) a big pick-me-up. Hop on the bandwagon and join #Teamwill Reese?Reese read the email, and the above video is her response.
P.S. If any of you want to make a video or snap a photo holding the sign #TeamWill, use the hashtag #Teamwill, use #TeamWill and we'll be sure to share it with the family."Witherspoon added her own personal message on Google+:
"This is for one of the strongest little four-year-olds I can imagine. Will - I hear that you're fighting so hard and strong against cancer and that in the hospital you've been watching a lot of Legally Blonde and loving it. I hope it makes you laugh! I wanted you to know that I made this sign in your honor - and I'm sending a big big hug and my hope and prayers. Just know - I'm a really big fan of YOURS! PS anyone else - feel free to make your own sign for Will and post it with the hashtag #TeamWill so he can see it....I'm sure he'd love that!"