In the third installment of "connie & jimmy", an episodic 1940's black & white mini-series, Jimmy breaks shocking news to Connie over a "fancy" meal but the reality of the meal turns out to be just as shocking! Jimmy has all the best intentions but he can't seem to avoid slipping up. Good thing Connie can keep him in check with her talent for turning classic songs on their heads in an effort to teach Jimmy an important faux pas. "connie & jimmy" keeps your heart all aflutter but your feet on the ground with an homage to Edith Piaf's 'No Me Quitte Pas'. Click below to watch!
"connie & jimmy" support Mercy For Animals' effort to urge world's largest online retailer- to stop selling foie gras. They perpetuate this blatant animal abuse by continuing to sell foie gras worldwide. has both the power and ethical responsibility to help end the cruel force-feeding of ducks by ending the sale of foie gras.
For more about the show, visit