Mummenschanz, the renowned theatrical troupe known to fans around the world as "The Musicians of Silence," returns to New York for the first time in nearly four years. The new show, "you & me," was created by Floriana Frassetto, co-founder of Mummenschanz, and plays The Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College (524 W. 59th Street), beginning tomorrow, July 4 and running through July 22. The official opening night is Tuesday, July 10 at 7PM. The show will feature some of the most popular sketches created and performed by the internationally renowned troupe, as well as brilliant new creations.
Mummenschanz conjures a magical world, full of possibilities, without uttering a word. The troupe's playful and memorable exploits display an enormously inventive use of forms, shadow and light as well as creative manipulation of sculptural, expressive masks and abstract shapes. The result is a visually stunning spectacle of entertainment that is suitable for the entire family to enjoy. Mummenschanz offers timeless insight on the human condition. The result transcends cultural barriers and sparks the imagination. The entire program of sculptural puppetry and visual antics is performed without music or sound.
Since its celebrated three year run on Broadway, Mummenschanz has pioneered a unique form of visual theater and has constantly and successfully toured the world having played in over 60 countries on five continents.
Mummenschanz returns to New York in their new show, "you & me," for 20 performances only, July 4 - 22 at The Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College (524 W. 59th Street). Performances are Tuesday - Saturday at 8PM with matinees on Saturday and Sunday at 3PM. The first preview performance on Wednesday July 4 is at 3PM instead of 8PM. Tickets for Mummenschanz range from $29 - $85 and are on sale at or, (866) 811-4111.