There is hidden value in every household mess, and all that clutter that looks like junk could be worth thousands of dollars. Fashion guru, design expert and makeover maven Jill Martin sets out to turn messy spaces into thousand-dollar renovations on TLC's HIDDEN MONEY MAKEOVER. With the help of talented carpenter Cage Cass and appraiser Kevin Godfrey, Jill gives deserving families the new clutter-free life they have been waiting for. And get this - the renovations are totally free! The new one-hour special airs Saturday, April 8 at 10/9c on TLC. Get a first look below!
The first lucky family that gets a visit from Jill are Colin and Brooke, who live in Rockaway in Long Island, New York with their baby, Jackson. After Hurricane Sandy struck their neighborhood, THE FAMILY lost their car and incurred great financial strain. Due to the passing of close family members after the hurricane, Brooke and Collin had no choice but to inherit family members' belongings and store them in their living room. They desperately want an open and safe space for baby Jackson to play in and to move on from the clutter that is a constant reminder of hard times. As the team starts emptying out the space, they find valuables they did not even know they had worth thousands of dollars
Next, Jill heads to Sparta, New Jersey to the home of Bruce and Teresa, their three kids and a basement desperately in need of renovation. Teresa faces the challenging dilemma of wanting to keep things from her children's past in order to cling onto the memories. Her wish is to give her children a space to develop their passions. However, it is going to take a lot of work to give Ali a place to practice gymnastics, Devin a place to edit digital videos and Griffin a place to practice his music. It is a blessing in disguise that Teresa has been storing valuables worth thousands of dollars in order to make this renovation possible.
Jill Martin is a New York Times Best-Selling Author, Contributor to NBC's Today Show & the Fashion Ambassador to QVC.